The latest ROBLOX survival game,

Are you in need of a new game to play on ROBLOX? Do online games such as Rust, an ARK Survival peak your interest – but don’t want to pay 10+ $ for the game’s? This may be the game for you!

Today we dig into one of the newest game’s rising up on the ROBLOX platform, taking over the survivalist category when it comes to graphics, gameplay, and overall content.

What makes this game stand out?

  • Immersive, dynamic lighting gameplay.
  • Enhanced graphics, utilizing textures made by the creators.
  • Addicting gameplay
  • Easily customizable building system

In the world of Dust (very similar to Rust, hence the name we assume.), the beginning of your life is simple, you start off with a stone shiv. In this image, it will show your the stone shiv we are talking about; however our character had a custom skin that we may or may have not spent R$ on to obtain. (Who can blame us?)

This stone shiv is very important towards the beginning of your gameplay – the primary goal if you’re a player looking to get a base built right away, is to use half of it’s health on stone, and half of it’s health on wood. This should get you enough to create both; a stone hatchet, and a stone pickaxe.

From there it feels like the grind never ends, with the immersive world of Dust you just can’t help but continue to grind away on the game. Wanting to have the best base in the server, the best clan, the best everything! Of course we forgot to mention, any base you build in this game will save! However, you’ll need to make sure you place a Basic Workbench down inside your base to prevent it from decaying.

The Rage,

As much as we may make this game out to be so addicting. With addiction, comes side-effects. These side-effects include: Screaming at your PC, Possibly throwing objects, potential toxicity coming from yourself, and overall dedication to thrive in the brutal world of Dust.

In dust, combat is key. You may get lucky and get a small 1×1 starter base set up right away. Or, you may get killed a bunch of times while out farming and grinding away to get your small base started. It all depends on how far away you are from hostile players.


Everybody has their preferred “style” of games to play, however this game can be fun for everybody. I myself prefer not to play “sweaty games.” However; after plenty of times getting killed, and non-stop grinding. I found myself with a 4-story high compound base. Sure, I’m absolutely horrible at combat – but I still had fun developing my base and using my friends combat skills to my advantage.

There is so much to say about Dust that we could have included here, but we figured we would keep it “short and sweet” while giving you the overall concept of the game. Build, survive, fight, defend. Even though my unhealthy 24+ hours spent in game building my base went to waste after a clan raided me overnight. I can’t help but admit, Dust is still one of the most impressive games introduced on ROBLOX in terms of gameplay & content.

You can checkout Dust here:

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